Brotimes and Whisky – One memory at a time

Friends and alcohol go hand in hand. A quintessential combination, we all have reminisced over the good old days over a peg or…err maybe ten, am I right? Boy, life does happen and you lose touch of your old pals and those times that you experienced together. I was ecstatic when my friend returned back after eons and called me and I heard those three magical words- “Chal Pite Hai”. The plan was made, everything else was canned and it was time for good brotimes!

We entered the same bar we used to flock during our college days. Oh, those days where we had absolutely questionable whiskeys to go along with our bar snacks. We skimmed through the menu. Inflation was REAL. We opened the drinks section and were genuinely surprised to find that there actually was a good choice to pick from. Our bar was upgraded and how. My finger which was racing down the menu at full speed suddenly stopped at Golfer’s Shot. We exchanged quizzical looks and for a moment we were dubious of a change. But then we somehow mutually agreed to raise a toast with a new friend.


The past is so captivating. Once you start discussing your college days, you just cannot keep track of time. We were punctuated by the waiter who served us our whisky in regular glasses and banged them against the table. Ambience can change, so can the alcohol selection but some habits die hard. Since it was a new brand, we awoke our inner connoisseur and started debating about the color, mouthfeel, nose, finish, and alcohol-centric jargons. I proclaimed I was getting dark chocolate and fruits, while he was hell bent that he was getting spice, and flowery notes. We were right but later we concluded that we are getting drunk.

The good times had just begun. Pegs and anecdotes were going hand in hand. There was laughter, exasperation, regret, guilt, chuckles with every passing memory. Our new friend was a wonderful catalyst to the ecstasy. We couldn’t help but be in awe of a brand we had never heard of before. Alcobrew Golfer’s Shot was the hero the world surely deserved to know. Smooth, smoky, malty, we decided to shift our loyalties. We so wished as to why we never spotted this brand during our college drinkages. Drat, someone give me a time machine already? That speaks volumes, doesn’t it?


Suddenly memories took a backseat and this whisky was hogging the spotlight. I guess we either were just high or we totally had a new crush haha! While I was obsessing over its golden-amber color, my friend told he forgot to tell me that he got promoted to the Branch Head of his agency. WOW! Not like we needed a reason to order another round, but we clinked our glasses, gulped our last two 60mls celebrating his success and rise up the hierarchy.

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