Everyone has a Robin!

Firstly, I found this picture off the Internet. I am still not accustomed to realize and then churn out such thought provoking realities. Anyway, Go ahead! Read!



Pic Courtesy – 9gag

Feeling flushed already?  I bet you are benumbed and not in the comfortable way and you almost feel your heart beat arrhythmically. You see there is a problem with growing up. While you are a kid, you are bullshitted to believe everything will be wonderful ahead and no prizes of guessing the impact of that bullshit! You do believe the crap nonchalantly thrown at you. Then starts the growing up which is much more irritating that a Honey Singh Song with Ajay Devgn in the frame *cough* Satakli majhi *cough*. You realize you were fooled and that pisses you off. Reality hits you in the head with a shovel and you are officially pissed now. Reality is , many touch our hearts but only a few reach the soul. The funny part is they latter leave.

It is quite possible for a person that he ( Yes! I say HE because to maintain the balance of inequality and rights, it’s dictated that we take this pain on our shoulders to mitigate social lopsidedness) might never suffer from diarrhea irrespective of gobbling those pani puris where pani is often half urine  but it cannot happen that he never went through a heartbreak. Remember the time when someone came into your life like a calm breeze and took it by storm? You never asked for it and later you regret as to why the fuck it happened! Remember that times when you deleted more words than you could type? Remember when you got butterflies in your stomach on seeing your Robin? AND IT WAS  NOT GAS! You actually started theater, or in other words rehearsed as to how your convos would turn out and boy you sucked at those too! How can you even forget those times when you stammered in front of THE person and made an ass of yourself? They never gave a fuck but how you still accepted that hostility with a big heart! Remember the times when you made a Golmaal Tusshar Kapoor of yourself? You couldn’t utter a word in front of her! Remember how you become obsessed with ONE particular person? ‘Last Seen At’ Obsessions are bad. Remember when you came to terms with what fear was? Fear was not a person with a rubber band sling aiming at you. It takes immense courage to walk up to your Robin and confess your truest emotions when you are aware of the devastating heart wrenching consequences or in simple words, hearing those three magical words – ‘Let’s stay friends’. You still approached because well you were blinded by love and high on risk.  You were turned down OR politely declined OR distanced from romantic inclination by your Robin  – which is a euphemism for ‘She fucking hated your face / attitude whatever and did not find you attractive enough! The feeling of being rejected and being neglected hit you! DARE YOU to laugh at Arbaaz Khan again! The feeling of someone crushing your hopes broke you from within. No amount of workout can toughen your heart! *tch* GYMS ARE A SCAM!

Everyone has a Robin and that is the sad truth. There is nothing you can do. Time travel might make you return to that point but you still will fuck up.  Funny thing, the more you try to forget, the more you remember. Social Media has made it all the more difficult to “move on”. Anyway, grab a beer, some buddies and laugh it out when such incidents occur! There are worse fuck ups waiting to suck the living hell out of you, for instance Salman Khan’s upcoming movies.

Life should have notified you ‘You are falling in love’ Do u wish to continue?


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